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id - Variable in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.ActiveTechnology
Identifier of the last item recognized by the active technology
idDetected(String) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.ActiveTechnology
Technology recognizes a new item. idGone has to be called to reset it.
idDetected(String, long) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.ActiveTechnology
Technology recognizes a new item and will reset it after a given time.
idGone() - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.ActiveTechnology
Resets the identifier.
InexactMatcher - Class in de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller
Handles matching current signal data with persisted positions.
InexactMatcher() - Constructor for class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.InexactMatcher
init(int) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.CachingManager
Changes the caching size and clears the cache.
init(PersistenceManager) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.PositionManager
Initializes the position manager
init(String, List<String>) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.Technology
interpolateData() - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.CachingManager
Interpolates caching data.
isCacheFull() - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.CachingManager
Checks if the cache is full.
isExactly() - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.Technology
Checks if the hardware delivers exactly positions like a bluetooth beacon with a short range, will override other technology data if this technology matches
isValueOutOfExclusionRange(Map<String, SignalInformation>, double) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.ExclusionTechnology
Checks if the value is inside or outside the allowed delta vallue.