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name - Variable in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.Technology
name of the technology
name - Variable in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.model.PositionInformation
identifier or name of the position
nameToMappingPoint(String) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.MappedPositionManager
Converts a formatted string to point.
nearestNeighbour(CachingManager, Map<String, SignalInformation>, List<PositionInformation>) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.InexactMatcher
Adds the current signla data to the caching manager.
nearestNeighbour(CachingManager, Map<String, SignalInformation>, List<PositionInformation>) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.Matcher
Adds the current signla data to the caching manager.
nearestNeighbour(CachingManager, Map<String, SignalInformation>, List<PositionInformation>, boolean) - Method in class de.hadizadeh.positioning.controller.Matcher
Calculates the distance between the current signal data and the persisted position information with the Euclidean algorithm.