There are some other technology implementations for this library. You can find them here:…/technologies
Here is an implementation for Bluetooth LE on Android which filters them by UUID and uses their rssi. The other bluetooth addons will just take the iBeacon with the strongest signal. This one will take all signal rssi and map them. You can add this technology to the positioning manager with a single line of code:
1 | positionManager.addTechnology(new BluetoothLeStrengthTechnology("BLUETOOTH_LE_STRENGTH", 4000, null)); |
The second parameter is the validity time for each scanned iBeacon. You can filter the devices with the third parameter. It is a list which contains all allowed iBeacon UUIDs.
Add the following classes to your technology package:
Here is an implementation for Bluetooth LE on Android which filters them by UUID. This can be used for devices which switch their MAC address like the Gimbal beacons. You can add this technology to the positioning manager with a single line of code:
1 | positionManager.addTechnology(new BluetoothLeTechnology("BLUETOOTH_LE")); |
The technology will take the strongest signal of an iBeacon or another Bluetooth LE device.
Add the following classes to your technology package:
If you want to combine indoor positioning with GPS positioning (outdoor) you can use the indoor-positioning library as well.
Here you can see an implementation of GPS technology, which will notify if a persisted position is in a defined range to the current GPS position.
It also checks if the GPS signal is new enough.
You can add this technology to the positioning manager with a single line of code:
1 | positionManager.addTechnology(new GpsTechnology(this, "GPS", 5, 3000, 1)); |
3. parameter: radius of each persisted position (in meters)
4. parameter: minimum time interval between location updates (in milliseconds)
5. parameter: minimum distance between location updates (in meters)
Add the following class to your technology package:
If you do not want to save and receive IDs for positions you can use an alternative positionManager: MappedPositionManager.
The MappedPositionManager works the same way but takes and will send MappingPoints. A MappingPoint consist of X, Y and Z coordiantes so you can handle the positions in a coordinate system.
Here is an implementation for Bluetooth LE on Android. You can add this technology to the positioning manager with a single line of code:
1 | positionManager.addTechnology(new BluetoothLeTechnology("BLUETOOTH_LE")); |
The technology will take the strongest signal of an iBeacon or another Bluetooth LE device.
Add the following classes to your technology package:
Here you can see an alternative implementation of the persistence manager for the positioning library.
This implementation is not for Android. If you want to use SQLite for Android you should adapt it for the SQLite database in Android.